Kick-off meeting in Oslo

In the beginning of October the team members of iSeeNumbers met in Oslo for a kick-off meeting.

The sun was shining as we started our kick-off meeting. We had a pleasure to work in 'Professor Streckers stue', in an old and beautiful building called 'Professorboligen', right at the heart of Oslo. Thanks to technology, those members who could not come to Oslo, had a chance to participate the meeting via Skype. 

There will be a lot of different activities conducted in the project during the coming years. In the kick-off meeting we focused on going through the work plan for the coming year. One of the key events will be the first data collection with the first graders in next spring. In order to have a successful data collection, a lot of preparation work needs to be done: to decide the specific measures to be used, to notify the NSD about the project, to recruit participants (schools, teachers, and students), to organize data collection with schools, to recruit and train research assistants etc. During the kick-off days we went through the overall study design once again, discussed and selected the measures to be used in relation to the research questions, and started working with those measures, which still needs to be developed. Thanks to technology, once more, different online platforms and communication tools enable effective and flexible working together in the future, even though the team members are physically located around the world.

The kick-off for the iSeeNumbers project was great! The team worked efficiently during the two days, and had nice time together. Looking forward to continue working with this dream team!



Published Oct. 9, 2018 8:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2018 10:38 AM