Inference skills in children

Drawing inferences is a language skill that has implications for social, pragmatic and academic functioning. In this project, we have developed a new test (Oslo Picturebook Inference test, OPIT) to measure inference skills in children. The test has been developed and piloted in collaboration with Early Childhood Education and Care teachers, counselors from National Competence Center and national and international researchers. In this project we want to investigate the quality (psychometric properties) and suitability of the test for different groups of children.

Picture of a girl with an iPad

The aim is to investigate whether the OPIT test can be used as a tool to identify weak language skills in different groups of children (Illustration: Fredrik Solli Wandem).

About the project

The OPIT test is a digital picture book dialogue test that takes about 5 minutes to complete. The adult and the child read a book together on an iPad, and the adult asks questions along the way related to the information given in the story and pictures in the book. The content of the picture book focuses on the importance of friendship.


The aim is to investigate whether the OPIT test can be used as a tool to identify weak language skills in different groups of children.


Drawing inferences is about understanding implicit connections, and this skill has an impact on various areas of learning and development. Identifying children who have difficulties with drawing inferences can help initiate interventions more quickly and potentially prevent later learning difficulties in school.


Norming Group

The purpose of this subproject is to develop knowledge about the inferences drawn by children aged 3-6 years and whether there are differences across age groups.

Second language (L2) learners

The purpose of this subproject is to develop knowledge about the inference skills of L2 learners aged 4-5 years.

Risk of Language Disorders

The purpose of this subproject is to determine how children aged 3-8 years who struggle with language respond to different questions in picture book dialogues with an adult. We want to see if the inference test, OPIT, can help identify children at risk for developmental language disorders (DLD). We also want to examine the relationship between OPIT scores and family risk, age, and the type of inferences the children struggle with. The results will contribute to enhancing knowledge in the field of practice regarding recognizing characteristics in at-risk children so that these children can receive help more quickly. Comparisons of inference skills across groups will also be made.


Partially financed by RCN.


Statped, Høgskulen på Vestlandet, London University College in England and Universitetet of Oslo.


  • Picturebook on Ipad

Image may contain: Font, Electric blue, Brand.

Published Jan. 15, 2024 10:06 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 10:06 AM


Bilde av Kari-Anne Bottegård Næss
Kari-Anne Bottegård Næss professor and project leader at the Department of Special Needs Eduaction UiO (Foto: private)


Detailed list of participants