Buli-Holmberg, Nilsen & Skogen: Inclusive and Individually Adapted Education in Norway. Results from a Survey Study in two Municipalities focusing the Roles of Headteachers, Teachers and Curriculum Planning

International Journal of Special Education; vol 29, No: 1, 2014.


Jorun Buli-Holmberg, Sven Nilsen og Kjell Skogen


This article aims to throw light on how the intentions behind inclusive and individually adapted education in Norwegian compulsory schools are followed up in practice with regard to central aspects of the roles of headteachers, teachers and curriculum planning. The study was carried out as a postal survey of compulsory school teachers in two municipalities. When the results are viewed as a whole, it is evident that some of the teachers have positive assessments of their own practice with regard to various aspects of inclusive and individually adapted education. However, there are a large number of teachers who have not given such positive feedback. In the majority of cases, less than half of the teachers agree with the category to a large degree in their responses. Thus, there appears to be a clear need in the role of headteachers, teachers and curriculum planning for further development in order to gain understanding for and realise the intentions of inclusive and individually adapted education.


Publisert 23. apr. 2014 09:36 - Sist endret 27. mai 2024 13:49