Anmarkrud, Andresen & Bråten (2019): Cognitive Load and Working Memory in Multimedia Learning: Conceptual and Measurement Issues

I: Educational Psychologist, Online first


Øistein Anmarkrud, Anette Andresen & Ivar Bråten.


This article reviews contemporary research on multimedia learning that uses cognitive load theory as the major theoretical framework. In particular, we address the extent to which working memory has been conceptualized and measured in this research, what kind of subjective measures of cognitive load have been used and whether such measures are combined with other measures of cognitive load, and how results from subjective measures have been related to learning and achievement. The findings show that most of the reviewed studies did not include any clear conceptualization or measurement of working memory, used only general subjective measures containing one or very few items, and did not report findings consistent with the hypothesized relationship between cognitive load and multimedia learning. The findings are discussed in relation to the broader goal of improving research on cognitive load in the context of multimedia learning.

Publisert 12. feb. 2019 13:41 - Sist endret 4. juli 2022 13:30