Dalen & Theie (2019): Academic Achievement Among Adopted and Nonadopted Children in Early School Years

I: Adoption Quarterly, Online first

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Monica Dalen & Steinar Theie.


The study examined academic achievement among adopted and nonadopted children in Norway. The adopted group included children adopted from China, South Korea, South Africa, Ethiopia, and Colombia. The study also included a control group of nonadopted classmates with same gender and age. The findings show no significant differences in academic achievement between adopted and nonadopted in either first or third grade, but a greater variety in adopted children’s performance. Adopted children received more special education and more support from parents than nonadopted classmates did. Language skills and hyperactive behavior made a significant contribution in explaining the variance in academic achievement among adopted children.

Publisert 28. aug. 2019 11:25 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 09:07