Johnsen (Ed.) (2020): International Classroom Studies of Inclusive Practices

Berit Helene Johnsen er redaktør i boken International Classroom Studies of Inclusive Practices. Comparing Teaching-Learning Processes. Fem av bokens tilsammen tolv kapitler er skrevet av Johnsen. Dette er tredje og siste antologi i serien "Comparative Classrooom Studies Towards Inclusion". Boken er utgitt på forlaget Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, grønn, skrift.

Oversikt over Johnsens kapitler i boken

  • Exploring Inclusive Practices. Examples from Schools within European Cultural Diversity
  • Care and Sensitivity in Resource-Based Interaction Traditions within Education and Upbringing. A Conceptual Discussion
  • Qualitative Research – Does it work? A Discussion of Qualitative Educational Studies and Generation of Evidence
  • Comparing Classroom Activities. International Comparison of Qualitative Pedagogical Studies
  • A Longitudinal Classroom Study of Inclusive Practices. The Norwegian Contribution to International Comparative Classroom Studies

Forlagets omtale av boken

This anthology is addressed to anyone searching for examples of individually tailored inclusive practices in the community of the class, with a critical view of their successes, shortcomings and obstacles.

The book is divided into three parts: Part One contains articles that outline important aspects of the research cooperation. Part Two presents individual summaries of findings from each of the seven studies. Part Three consists of the joint comparative research report.

This is the third and final anthology related to the international comparative research cooperation project WB 04/06: Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building.

Publisert 26. nov. 2020 09:24 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 09:21