Karlsen, Røe-Indregård, Wold & Hagtvet (2019): Amount, diversity and density of words in book reading dialogues with preschool teachers and children with Norwegian language-majority and -minority backgrounds

I: RASK: International Journal of Language and Communication

Bilde av Jannicke Karlsen


Jannicke Karlsen, Hanne Røe-Indregård, Astri Heen Wold & Bente Hagtvet.


In the current study, we aimed to identify similarities and differences in the words used by preschool teachers and children with a language-minority background and children with a language-majority background during shared book reading. Fourteen dyads were transcribed, coded and analyzed using CLAN (CHILDES). We examined the number of words (tokens), the number of different words (types), the type/token ratio and the proportion of content words produced by both teachers and children. The teachers interacting with language-majority children tended to produce more words (tokens), more different words (types) and a higher proportion of content words compared to the teachers interacting with language-minority children. The results indicate that there might be differences in the variety and amount of words children from language-majority- and language-minority backgrounds hear and use in preschool, but the results do not indicate if or to what degree, these differences are beneficial for L2 learning.

Publisert 19. aug. 2019 09:36 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 09:24