Rytivaara, A., Ahtiainen, R., Palmu, I., Pesonen, H. & Malinen, O.-P. (2024). Learning to Co-Teach: A Systematic Review

I: Education Science. Open Access.

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Anna Rytivaara, Raisa Ahtiainen, Iines Palmu, Henri Pesonen and Olli-Pekka Malinen.


Research on how teachers learn to co-teach is scarce. In this systematic review, the PRISMA method was used to examine the relationship between teacher learning and co-teaching in professional development programmes. Inclusion criteria was used to identify 567 articles on K–12 co-teaching, published in 2009–2018. A detailed analysis of nine articles revealed that the linkage between co-teaching and teacher learning remained narrow. Various programmes showed that the existing understanding of co-teaching or teacher learning was not used efficiently. Considerable variation in the programmes regarding the concepts, methods, and practices highlight the importance of conducting future research.

Publisert 23. jan. 2024 09:19 - Sist endret 23. jan. 2024 09:27