Krog, E., Falck, A. & Nielsen, G. E. (2024). Preliminary validation of the Norwegian version of the Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire Revised (BMQ-R-NOR)

I: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Open Access. 

Logo tidsskrift: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology


Eirin Krog, Andreas Falck & Guri Engernes Nielsen.



To perform a psychometric evaluation of a Norwegian version of the Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire Revised (BMQ-R-NOR).


Participants completed online versions of the self-report questionnaire BMQ-R-NOR on two occasions and MQ-NOR on one occasion. Convergent validity was assessed through Spearman's correlation between BMQ-R-NOR and MQ-NOR. Internal consistency was evaluated with McDonald's omega and Cronbach's alpha. Test–retest reliability was evaluated using Cohen's weighted kappa and intraclass correlation.

Study sample

82 participants with self-reported misophonia took part in the study at T1, and 53 of these participated at T2. However, only 41 of them were included in the test–retest analyses due to 12 participants being in treatment between T1 and T2.


Subscales from the BMQ-R-NOR and MQ-NOR were significantly positively correlated, indicating evidence of convergent validity (rs = 0.22*–0.74**). The BMQ-R-NOR showed overall good internal consistency (omega = 0.72–0.93; alpha = 0.70–0.93) and satisfactory test–retest reliability (ICC = 0.35–0.92).


The psychometric properties of the BMQ-R-NOR are considered satisfactory. However, it is advised to exercise caution when using it until further comprehensive validation studies are conducted to ensure robustness and reliability in clinical practice.

Publisert 11. juni 2024 11:18 - Sist endret 11. juni 2024 11:18