Sigstad, Buli-Holmberg & Morken (2021): Succeeding in inclusive practices in school in Norway – A qualitative study from a teacher perspective

I: European Journal of Special Needs Education. Online first. Open Access

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Hanne Marie Høybråten Sigstad, Jorun Buli-Holmberg & Ivar Morken 


The present study examined inclusive practices in school by studying how teachers realise inclusion in a school for all. The study was based on ten qualitative focus group interviews with approximately 40 teachers from one selected primary school. A thematic, structural analysis was used to identify the themes. The analysis was conducted using a combination of a data-driven and a deductive process. The results indicate that inclusive practices centred around the teachers’ efforts to achieve inclusion by organising teaching, establishing a sense of belonging to the community, developing social competence, and facilitating academic achievement. Differentiation in meeting students’ diversity appeared to be the largest challenge to success. Despite various barriers, satisfactory inclusive practices depend on close collaboration, where teachers work to facilitate equal education and foster belongingness in an enriching learning environment in which their students have experience achieving their individual goals.

Publisert 3. nov. 2021 12:26 - Sist endret 3. okt. 2022 11:30