Sjøstrand, Kefalianos, Hofslundsengen, Guttormsen, Kirmess, Lervåg, Hulme & Næss (2019): Non‐pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children aged between birth and six years

I: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Online first, Open Access

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Åse Sjøstrand, Elaina Kefalianos, Hilde Hofslundsengene, Linn S. Guttormsen, Melanie Kirmess, Arne Lervåg, Charles Hulme, Kari-Anne Bottegaard Næss


This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:

Primary objective

To assess the immediate and long‐term effects of non‐pharmacological interventions for stuttering on speech outcomes in children aged between birth and six years.

Secondary objective

To describe the relationship between intervention effects and participant characteristics (i.e. child age, child’s communication attitudes and the impact stuttering has on the child’s QoL).

Publisert 26. nov. 2019 10:39 - Sist endret 29. aug. 2023 11:20