Tateo, Marsico, Min & Dazzani (2022): University without Borders

I: Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. Open Access.

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Luca Tateo, Giuseppina Marsico, He Min & Maria Virginia Machado Dazzani. 


The paper discusses the problem of master theses’ production in psychology from a decolonial perspective. It presents a critique to the reproductive and monological model of knowledge currently promoted in higher education. Then, it proposes an alternative pedagogic model of research-tandem. The research-tandem is an example of an innovative way of understanding a university without borders, as developed within the international network of excellence “IBEF- Ideas for the Basic Education of the Future”. Higher education must be detached from national-based curricula, and become a nomadic and collaborative across-cultural knowledge building endeavor. Current higher education aims to be national in its curricula but global in its marketability. In cultural psychology’s perspective, higher education of the future shall be regarded as global in its vision yet local in its solutions. Future students must have the opportunity to build new knowledge by experiencing and sharing diversity rather than complying with standardized and monological trajectories.


This is a publication by the Research-tandem Project

Publisert 12. aug. 2022 16:21 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2022 14:01