Gulliksen, Nordbø, Espeset, Skårderud & Holte (2015): The Process of Help-Seeking in Anorexia Nervosa: Patients’ Perspective of First Contact With Health Services

I Eating Disorders, online first

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Kjersti S. Gulliksen, Ragnfrid H. S. Nordbø, Ester M. S. Espeset, Finn Skårderud & Arne Holte


In this study we explored circumstances, reflections, and reactions to first treatment contact in 34 women (aged 18–51) diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN) (DSM-IV). Using methods from grounded theory we identified how the meeting came about, what motivated the patients, and how they reacted to the conversation. The results suggest that (a) health care professionals need to demonstrate effective professional communication skills and proficient knowledge about eating disorders in early contacts; (b) treatment goals other than recovery from AN should be explored; and (c) patients’ view of AN as a strategy for increased control and mastery in life may be a topic for discussion in the early contacts.

Publisert 7. apr. 2015 14:54 - Sist endret 1. juli 2022 14:24