Wormnæs, Mkumbo, Skaar & Refseth (2015): Using concept maps to elicit and study student teachers’ perceptions about inclusive education: a Tanzanian experience

I: Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy. online first


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Siri Wormnæs, Kitila Mkumbo, Bjørn Skaar & Yngve Refseth



In this study, concept map activities were used to trigger group discussions about inclusive education, with a focus on learners with disabilities. The participants were 226 Tanzanian student teachers. This article reports and discusses how the maps were analysed and what they indicate about the students’ thinking about certain aspects of inclusive education. The results also indicate that concept mapping as an activity in teacher education may be useful and engaging for students. It may help them to organise knowledge and make them aware of their own and others’ understanding of inclusive education practices. An analysis of concept maps constructed by student teachers may also help lecturers to identify views, misconceptions, knowledge gaps and insights about inclusion in education settings.


Publisert 28. sep. 2015 08:29 - Sist endret 4. juli 2022 13:33