Notes from the ISP-leader team - august 2017

Welcome to our new colleges

  • -Renee Speyer, professor
  • Sangwon Yoon, PhD student
  •  Laoura Ziaka, PhD student
  • Oleg Zacharov, PhD student
  • Anna Dyrkorn Tjora, administration: studies/Research
  • Julia Oliane Boesen, administration: student internship
  • Silje Maria Kristensen, administration: studies
  • Terje Ulv Throndsen, scientific assistant
  • Marit Enny Gismarvik, scientific assistant

Medarbeidersamtaler/Employee conferences will start in November/December

  • Head of research, Pirjo Aunio will meet the PhD-students
  • Head of office, Kristin Fedje Fredriksen will meet the administrative staff
  • Head of department Ona Bø Wie will meet the scientific staff
Publisert 24. aug. 2017 15:40 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2017 15:26