Mest lest i 2014

Professor emeritus Thorleif Lunds (ISP) artikkel Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: Some Arguments for Mixed Methods Research var fjorårets mest leste artikkel i Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.


Artikkelen er derfor blitt en del av Class of 2015, der Routledge Education Journals har samlet de mest leste utdanningsartiklene fra fjoråret. Artiklene er gratis lesestoff ut året:

It must be award season! Routledge has pulled together a list of its most read articles researching Educational Media and Technology. Topics include MOOCs, Social Media & Networking, Gamification and my favourite title of them all; “E-learning – the McDonaldization of education”.


Publisert 27. apr. 2015 10:38 - Sist endret 8. mai 2019 14:36