A dialogical approach to language, learning and communication.The legacy of Ragnar Rommetveit

Department of Special Needs Education, Department of Education and Department of Teacher Education and School Research are hosting an open seminar on October 18th. The speakers are the internationally renowned professors, James Wertsch, Washington University in St.Louis and Per Linell, Linköping University.  

Ragnar Rommetveit. Foto: Ståle Skogstad/Apollon

Professor Ragnar Rommetveit

Ragnar Rommetveit died on June 11, 2017, at the age of 93. The research community has lost a brilliant scholar and one of its most consistent and truly interdisciplinary scientists with a dialogical approach to language, thought and communication. After finishing his studies to become a teacher, he studied psychology and became a professor of Psychology in 1958 at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, a position he held until 1994.

Ragnar Rommetveit influenced and inspired researchers and students internationally and nationally.This includes researchers and students at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Oslo. He was a highly appreciated teacher and his book, Språk, tanke og kommunikasjon (1972) was for many years required reading among the faculty’s students of language and communication. Inspired by scholars such as Wittgenstein, Vygotsky and Bakhtin Rommetveit has also influenced students and researchers of learning by his distinct dialogical approach to the understanding of language and mind. In the seminar we want to highlight his importance and relevance to modern approaches to the understanding of language, thought, communication and learning.


10:15-10:25 Professor emerita Bente Hagtvet: Introduction

10:25-11:05  Professor James Wertsch: Narrative Mediation and the Architecture of Intersubjectivity in Imagined Communities

11:05-11:45 Professor emeritus Per Linell: Ragnar Rommetveit, Dialogue and the Language Sciences

11:45-12:00 Discussion

About the speakers

Professor James Wertsch 

James Wertsch is a Distinguished Professor at Washington University in St.Louis, director of the McDonnell International Scholars Academy and professor of sociocultural anthropology. He has interpreted works and ideas by Soviet Russian researchers such as Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Leontiev and introduced them to the west. His own research and writings cover a broad range of topics such as, the social formation of mind, identity and mediational means, and collective memory. He was the first Doctor philosophiae honoris causa at The Faculty of Educational Sciences (1997) and for many years a professor II at The Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Professor emeritus Per Linell

Per Linell is a Professor emeritus of Language and Culture at Linköping University. He is now Senior Professor in the Department of Education, Communication and Learning at Göteborg University. Per Linell has an interdisciplinary research profile, with a specific focus on general dialogical theory of human sense-making, communication, thinking and action, and institutional communicative activities in contexts such as legal, health-care and educational institutions and professions.


The seminar is free of charge and open to all.



Publisert 28. sep. 2018 12:50 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2021 09:51