Åpen prøveforelesning: Kristine Stadskleiv

I forbindelse med tilsetting av professor/førsteamanuensis innenfor fagfeltet "Neurodevelopmental Disorders" holdes åpen prøveforelesning. Prøveforelesningen vil foregå på engelsk.

Illustrasjonfoto: Colourbox

Trial lecture:

Part I, Academic level: Fellow researchers

Discuss how the development of evidence based interventions for neurodevelopmental disorders relates to theory. Give examples from intervention studies, for instance by selecting a specific neurodevelopmental disorder. (Presentation language: English)


Part II, Academic level: Bachelor / master students

Give examples of evidence-based interventions for children (<7 years) with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, or ADHD. In connection with the examples, reflect around the terms inclusion and belonging in the perspective of special needs education". (Presentation language: English or a Scandinavian language).




Publisert 4. feb. 2019 13:20 - Sist endret 4. feb. 2019 13:20