Eye tracking technology: A training workshop on methods for psychological and educational research

The Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, announces the organization of this training workshop on eye tracking, which will take place in Helga Eng's building at the Faculty of Educational Sciences on May 9–13, 2022. The workshop is open to junior researchers in UiO and other institutions, including doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty.

illustrasjonsfoto av øyesom måles

More researchers realize that incorporation of eye tracking in their research methods arsenal can boost their research productivity in uncovering the mechanisms underlying learning and skilled performance. (illustration Photo: Colourbox)

About the workshop

Eye tracking technology is becoming increasingly affordable and technically accessible, and it offers unprecedented detail into the study of mental processes at the core of educational and psychological research. This training workshop is designed to allow researchers with no prior experience to learn enough about this technology, understand the opportunities and challenges involved, and familiarize themselves in hands-on sessions, so that they will be competent (and feel confident) enough to incorporate this method in their own research, either independently or as part of a research group.

The structure of the workshop is as follows: An introductory background will be provided in Day 1. Days 2–4 will expand from the introductory foundation to provide concrete training in topics of high relevance for educational and psychological research. Lectures will be given by internationally recognized experts in eye tracking (click on their names in the program below for more information). Each lecture will cover an advanced topic from a theoretical point of view and will present concrete research examples, pointing out challenges and solutions. Supervised hands-on sessions will provide opportunity for familiarization with the procedures and interaction with experienced researchers to address practical issues. Day 5 will be devoted to (supervised) hands-on work, working in groups on entire mini-studies, from conception to presentation.

The final schedule for the workshop is as follows:


Monday May 9th 

Tuesday May 10th

Wednesday May 11th 

Thursday May 12th 

Friday May 13th 

Morning session 1


Introduction. Eye tracking equipment. Noise. Athanassios Protopapas

HE U31

Eye tracking in reading research.

Victor Kuperman

HE U35

Indexing attention.  The eye-voice span.

Jochen Laubrock

HE U36

Cognitive planning.  Eye tracking in math.

Marcus Lindskog

HE U36

Group formation.  Mini-study design.


Morning session 2



(cont.) Setup, Calibration. Event detection.

HE U31

Hands-on session: calibration & validation


Hands-on session: synchronous voice recording


Hands-on session: Math problem solving


Mini-study script preparation.


Lunch break


HE lounge  HE lounge  HE lounge  HE lounge  HE lounge 

Afternoon session 1



Experiment structure. Scripting.

Angeliki Altani

HE U31

Multivariate analysis for eye tracking data.

Daniel Mirman

HE U31

Eye tracking with children.

Sascha Schroeder

HE U31

Cognitive effort and the pupillary response.

Sebastiaan Mathôt

HE U31

Mini-study data collection


Afternoon session 2



(cont.) Reports, variables, visualization.

HE U31

Hands-on session: passage reading


Hands-on session: remote mode


Hands-on session: pupil size tracking


(cont.) data collection and analysis.


Lunch and coffee will be provided. Attendees from outside Oslo are responsible for their own travel and accommodation (see accommodation suggestions by the International Staff Mobility Office).

As a minimum requirement, all participants must have basic knowledge of experimental research methods and basic statistics. We also recommend that the participants are familiar with psychological and/or educational research in one or more areas such as, for example, reading, mathematical skills, attention, cognitive control, language development etc.


To register for the event, use this registration form. Registration is closed.


Registration deadline: March 31, 2022


For information contact Professor Athanasios Protopapas.


The workshop is supported and co-organized by the Department of Special Needs Education, the research group Literacy and Numeracy in Context (LiNCon), the Oslo SPeLL (Oslo Special Education and Learning Lab) at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the University of Oslo EyeHub, with additional support by SR Research Ltd., and is co-funded by the Norwegian Research Council through IT events support (arrangement støtte innenfor IKT project number 333881).

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Publisert 4. feb. 2022 10:54 - Sist endret 14. feb. 2024 10:04