Guest lecture (2/2): Clinical Therapist David Robertson, Colombia University

Technology as a tool to heal and support individuals and communities processing grief and prolonged grief connected to loss 


Throughout a lifetime, individuals will experience losses. Some losses are universal, such as the loss of a senior member in the family, and some losses are more extraordinary, such as the loss of one’s child, or of a function and therefore one’s own or a loved one’s future prospects. Thus, while we all experience and must find ways to deal with grief, for some individuals and in certain times in our lives we might need extra support in this process.  Prolonged grief disorder is the newest disorder to be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It is important for care providers to understand the grief spectrum so that they are prepared to recognize and advocate when individuals or communities might require a different type or intensity level of support.

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Clinical Therapist David Robertson

In this session, you will learn about Prolonged Grief and why it’s important to respond with community-centered and innovative resources. We will explore current resources and technology-enabled solutions that support individuals and communities to address grief and loss. Specifically, we will learn about the Healing Milestones and the Center for Prolonged Grief’s grief app, GriefCare for Families as two community-specific resources. Participants will be prepared to adapt resources to support clients and continue their learning.

This session is especially useful for clinicians, psychologists, education practitioners, and other service providers who typically support individuals and families navigate and address complex challenges, such as family-school partnerships, refugee displacement, bereavement, palliative care, hospice care, LGBTQ+ issues.

About the guest:

David D. Robertson MA, MSW, is a Clinical Therapist, Courage Researcher, Social Work Technologist with the Center for Prolonged Grief at Columbia University School of Social Work. He is also a Founder of In That Order Technologies and the Hope Is Foundation. David builds products and programs at the intersection of advocacy, technology, mental health, community, geriatric, family, and youth engagement. He combines trauma-informed practices with contemporary methods like restorative practices and wellness writing to support organizations in creating shared experiences that foster belonging and connection.

Publisert 13. feb. 2023 12:15 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2023 12:16