On the practical interpretability of cross-lagged panel models: Rethinking a developmental workhorse and other fun extensions

The research group LiNCon at the Department of Special Needs Education is hosting our first guest lecture by Dr. Dan Berry.

Dr. Dan Berry, University of Minnesota, is holding an open lecure On the practical interpretability of cross-lagged panel models: Rethinking a developmental workhorseand other fun extensions.


Reciprocal feedback processes between experience and development are central to contemporary developmental theory. Autoregressive cross-lagged panel (ARCL) models represent a common analytic approach intended to test such dynamics. In this talk, I introduce the idea that—despite the ARCL model’s intuitive appeal—it typically (a) fails to align with the theoretical processes that it is intended to test and (b) yields estimates that are difficult to interpret meaningfully.  We use both simulated and real data to illustrate how these problems arise, highlight one readily implemented remedy, and introduce some potential extensions to improve causal inference.

About the speaker

Guest lecturer is Dan Berry, University of Minnesota. Dan is a developmental psychologist specializing, among other things, longitudinal modeling and causal inference. Parts of the talk is published in the journal Child Development.



Publisert 27. aug. 2018 09:48 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2018 09:48