Open lecture with Professor R. Malatesha Joshi: The Componential Model of Reading

The research group LiNCon at the Department of Special Needs Education is hosting an open lecture with Professor R. Malatesha Joshi, Texas A&M University. The topic of the lecture is: Componential Model of Reading: Research and educational implications.

Gutt som leser i en bok

Literacy development may be influenced by various factors (Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox)


Literacy development may be influenced by various factors such as family background, classroom instruction, and type of orthography.  Based on the findings, we developed a model called the Componential Model of Reading (CMR), which includes three components: cognitive component, which is based on the Simple View of Reading, psychological component, consisting of motivation and interest, and ecological component, which includes home environment, dialect, teacher knowledge, and orthography. In this talk, I shall present our research on literacy development in different orthographies, dialect, and environmental influences as well as offer educational implications and future research possibilities.

About the speaker

R. Malatesha Joshi, Ph.D., is a Professor of Reading/Language Arts Education, ESL and Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University, where he teaches and conducts research in literacy development and

Professor R. Malatesha Joshi, Texas A&M University.

literacy problems among monolinguals and bilinguals in different orthographies. Dr. Joshi is the Editor of Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal and the monograph series titled Literacy  Studies. He has over 100 publications in high-impact journals and has published about 20 books relating to literacy development.  He has received numerous national and international awards such as Erasmus Mundus fellowship and has been invited as a senior research scholar to lecture and present his research in various countries, such as China, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Finland, and New Zealand. Dr. Joshi also has received numerous state, federal, and international grants and at the present time, is the Co-I of more than 10 million U.S. dollars in grants. Because of his contribution to the field of educational research, Dr. Joshi was selected as the 2017 Fellow of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), their highest award that exemplifies the highest standards of excellence through accomplishment, professionalism, and commitment.



Publisert 6. aug. 2019 14:37 - Sist endret 6. aug. 2019 14:37