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Tidlegare arrangement - Side 13

Tid og stad: , The Helga Eng Building, University of Oslo

The POLNET project is pleased to invite you to the final research conference in Oslo.

Tid og stad: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to an open lecture where Christian Ydesen explores the governing complex in education, applying a historical approach.

Tid og stad: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to this guest lecture by Íris Santos, Post Doc, Tampere University, who will talk about how external references to international organizations and societies are used to authorize as well as de-legitimize arguments in policy making processes.

Tid og stad: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to an open lecture where Gita Steiner-Khamsi will talk about the excessive amount of reform movements in education and how they pull practitioners and planners into different directions and create contradictory situations.

Tid og stad: , HES 241

Have you ever thought about how YOU as a person learn best? Do you wish you had some scientific approaches to learn subject matter better? Or do you want to develop a study strategy to prepare for your exams?