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Tidlegare arrangement - Side 56

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Oslo SPeLL invites you to EEG (electroencephalography) seminar with our head engineer Anders Lunde and our post-doc Raphaël Fargier as hosts. The seminar will be held in English.

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[Video-opptak tilgjengelig] Oslo SPeLL inviterer deg til å delta på vårt første EEG-seminar, rettet mot potensielt nye så vel som mer erfarne EEG-forskere.

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Trial lecture for a new Professor/associate professor position in the subject area of psychosocial difficulties at the Department of Special Needs Education. The trial lecture will be held in English.

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The Department of Special Needs Education is hosting a research seminar with Dr. Agata Bochynska from the Department of Psychology, New York University and the Open Research group, University of Oslo Library. The topic of the seminar is: Online data collection with typically developing infants and children.

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Master Line Ingulfsen ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning vil forsvare sin avhandling "Doing representations: Exploring teachers’ and students’ collaborative sensemaking with visual representations" for graden PhD.