How to teach better together

How can peer-group mentoring be used as a tool for discussion and development of teaching? Get inspired and discuss, as we share our experiences from IPED. 

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A big part of an academic career consists of teaching. When we first stand in front of students it can be scary and you might feel alone. You are not alone, many others also have this experience.  

In this seminar we will present how we tackled this issue at IPED by using peer-group mentoring in a pilot project developed with IDEA Innovation and Digitalization in Education

Quotes from project participants:  

  • “Peer-group mentoring is good, especially with more experienced teachers/mentors as well.” 

  • “It was nice to know my colleagues better and know that we all have similar issues or reflections.” 

Take aways

  • Learn about how you as PhD-candidates can take initiative to change and improve established practices. 

  • Discuss and be inspired by how peer-group mentoring can be used as a measure to improve teaching. Join the discussion on how this can be improved further, and be applied to the whole faculty! 


Simona Bernotaite PhD Research Fellow, Department of Education.

Anne Line Wittek, Professor, Vice-Head and Head of Studies, Department of Education.

Thale-Kristin Stalenget, PhD Research Fellow, University of Agder

Rebekka Marie Carlsen Walle, coordinator IDEA, centre for Innovation and Digitalization in Education



The Faculty of Educational Sciences
Publisert 1. sep. 2023 09:03 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2023 09:03