IDEA StudentStudio: Study management and exam tips - Start now!

Already dreading your exams? What study techniques should you use when, and for what purposes?

Join this workshop to learn about “Science of Learning”!

Tre studenter jobber og diskuterer i et grupperom, mens en annen studerer alene med hodetelefoner på.

Students like to study in different ways – but how might they learn best?

Foto: Foto: Shane Colvin/UiO

Register for the workshop! 

Do you want to learn how to use study techniques more effectively?

After last semester’s success in having a practical, interactive workshop on this topic, IDEA is pleased to organize the workshop again, now with a greater focus on how you can use this semester to maximize your learning outcomes. 

February 7th, at 13.00-15.00, will we give you the answers on how you can use the “Science of Learning” to set your self up for success this semester. 

Jila Ahmadnajad and Trym Vindenes Berger from the IDEA StudentTeam will host this workshop for students about study and learning strategies; for learning in class, for exams, at work, or in your free time! 

February 7th, at 13.00-15.00, will we give you the answers on how you can use the “Science of Learning” to set your self up for success this semester. 

We would appreciate if you register for the event by pressing the registration link/button, in order to have an overview of attendance and capacity.

Thank you in advance!

Register for the workshop!

Jila Ahmadnajad (Foto: Shane Colvin, UiO)
Portrettbilde av Trym Vindenes Berger.
Trym Vindenes Berger (Foto: Shane Colvin, UiO)

Hva er IDEA StudentStudio? 

IDEA StudentTeam arrangerer interaktive workshoper hvor vi legger særlig vekt på å være en møtearena for studentene på UV, og hvor vi kan teste ut innovative ideer som kan bidra til å  bedre kvaliteten på studiene til studentene.

Vi ønsker å være en møteplass for studenter fra ulike retninger (og forelesere), hvor vi sammen kan møtes for å diskutere, trene, eller idemyldre rundt spennende ideer om hvordan innovasjon og teknologi kan bedre vår opplevelsen av universitetslivet. 

Publisert 20. jan. 2023 15:04 - Sist endret 25. sep. 2023 16:30