IDEA StudentStudio: Master your exam

Have you ever thought about how YOU as a person learn best? Do you wish you had some scientific approaches to learn subject matter better? Or do you want to develop a study strategy to prepare for your exams?

Man writing on a table

Photo: Jeswin Thomas (

This semester is coming to an end and that means the exams are just around the corner.

IDEA is pleased to invite YOU to an interactive workshop on study techniques to help you master your exams!

Click here to register!


On the 24th of November at 16:15, the IDEA StudentTeam will help to guide you through answering these questions.
In this interactive workshop, you will, among other things:

  • Get an introduction to scientific approaches and study techniques to help you learn better
  • Train on cases together with other students on how to improve for the exams
  • Discuss, brainstorm and come up with your own personal strategies for how to handle your next exam

Whether you need a break from exam reading, motivation to get started or inspiration for new ways of studying, you are welcome!

Click here to register!

Hva er IDEA StudentStudio? 

IDEA StudentTeam organizes interactive workshops where we place particular emphasis on being a meeting place for the students at UV, and where we can test out innovative ideas that can contribute to improving the quality of the students' studies.

We want to be a meeting place for students from different disciplines (and lecturers), where we can meet together to discuss, train or brainstorm exciting ideas about how innovation and technology can improve our experience of university life.

Publisert 3. nov. 2023 14:44 - Sist endret 3. nov. 2023 14:44