IDEA StudentStudio - Discover Study Strategies to Excel in YOUR Exams!

Have you ever wondered about your own learning style? Are you wishing for scientifically proven methods to grasp subjects more effectively? Or are you eager to strengthen your exam preparation strategies?

A group of four students sit around a table and share a presentation on a display screen mounted to the wall.

Foto: Shane Colvin (UiO)

Click here to register!

As the new semester begins, it is important to be well-prepared. Therefore, IDEA is delighted to extend an invitation to you for an engaging workshop on study techniques aimed at empowering you to excel in your exams!

On February 14th at 14:15, the IDEA StudentTeam will guide you through addressing these questions.

During this interactive workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Gain insight into scientific learning approaches and study techniques to enhance your learning.
  • Collaborate with fellow students to tackle real exam-related challenges through case studies.
  • Engage in discussions and brainstorming sessions to develop your personalized strategies for exam success.

Whether you're seeking a study break, motivation to kick-start your exam preparation routine, or fresh inspiration for effective studying, we welcome you to be part of this event!

Click here to register!

What is IDEA StudentStudio? 

IDEA StudentTeam organizes interactive workshops where we place particular emphasis on being a meeting place for the students at UV, and where we can test out innovative ideas that can contribute to improving the quality of the students' studies.

We want to be a meeting place for students from different disciplines (and lecturers), where we can meet together to discuss, train or brainstorm exciting ideas about how innovation and technology can improve our experience of university life.


IDEA StudentTeam
Emneord: IDEA, IDEA StudentTeam, utdanning, student engagement and participation
Publisert 18. jan. 2024 14:49 - Sist endret 1. feb. 2024 12:12