Innovation Sprint: Build your own toolbox for life

Do you want to acquire problem-solving skills that can be part of your ‘toolbox for life’? Do you want to learn why pedagogy + innovation = an exciting career? Curious to learn how students can develop and use innovation skills to improve or renew education? Join the Innovation Sprint!  

Illustrasjon av en mann som pakker bokser. Man kan se diverse verktøy rundt mannen.

Foto: Pixabay

Apply here!

In a world that is rapidly changing, education is facing challenges that need innovative solutions. Whether it is including students with special learning needs, supporting learning through a new digital app, or creating new learning opportunities for employees in a company, problem solving, an innovative mindset and solution-oriented thinking are essential in both the public and private sector.   

But where does innovation start? And how can you develop and work with an innovative mindset to find solutions to challenges you think are important to solve? 

The Innovation Sprint is a new initiative offering you the opportunity to engage in an intensive, but fun workshop, together with other students at UV. Throughout this workshop, you will learn how to identify and analyse problems related to education and design matching innovative solutions. 

The aim of the Innovation Sprint is to provide UV students with a unique opportunity to learn what an innovative mindset is, to develop practical problem-solving skills and gain hands-on experience in applying pedagogical theory to address real-world challenges. 

Why join?  

The purpose of this event is to prepare and inspire students to innovate within their own field of interest. By participating in the Innovation Sprint, students can acquire important skills such as:  

  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving
  • Collaboration
  • Communication


Bachelor- and master’s degree students at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV).  


Apply here to join the Innovation Sprint!  

Deadline: April 14th

Apply here!

Food will be provided at the event.


Do I need to know anything about innovation to join?

No! We have created a framework that will let any student join, regardless of your experience level with innovation.

What if I don’t have any ideas?

No problem! An innovative mindset starts with asking the right question, not having the “perfect idea”. We only ask that you are curious and open-minded.

What does innovation have to do with pedagogy and education?

This is exactly what you will learn during the Innovation Sprint. The world is changing rapidly and innovation is becoming more important in all areas of our lives. What does this mean exactly for you as a student? Join us 18th April to find the answer to this question! 

Publisert 11. mars 2023 18:58 - Sist endret 7. apr. 2023 17:54