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IDEA resources for teachers

IDEA gathers and shares resources to support digitializing education and instruction

Image may contain: Fashion, Human body, Standing, Sleeve, Blazer.

Photo from StudentStudio, one of the activities IDEA arranges. A male and female instructor stand in front of a PowerPoint presentation and introduce a group activity on student participation. (Photo: Shane Colvin, UiO)

User instructions for equipment in HE classrooms

Artificial Intelligence and education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an increasingly popular topic, and growing cause for concern in education. IDEA is continuously updating information and links to inform, support use of, and to detect AI-produced outputs.

Report on student use of ChatGPT for learning at UV

IPED researchers Sten Ludvigsen, Anders Mørch and Rebekka B. Wagstaffe have published a report on student use of ChatGPT to support classroom learning. Read the report by following the link below (Norwegian text).

How can AI support education?

AI programs like ChatGPT have the potential to support teaching and education by:

  • Generating example texts, passages, or material for classroom use,
  • Assisting with brainstorming,
  • Accommodating special needs,
  • Translating materials into non-English languages.

Of course, there are also concerns about using generative AI like ChatGPT. These include:

  • Student plagiarism, cheating, and learning loss,
  • Production of biased content,
  • Acceleration of misinformation.

Learn more about how AI can support education from the report on Exploring Generative AI Tools in Classrooms from Stanford University (PDF).

How can I detect AI generated text?

Generative AI Classifiers are web-based tools designed to detect AI produced outputs, such as text generated by ChatGPT.

Note, there are multiple different classifiers available to help detect AI generated text, but these detection tools are neither perfect nor entirely reliable. According to LINK, existing tools for detecting AI-generated text do not protect privacy according to GDPR and should not be used. This technology also has weaknesses that make it unreliable for routine use because these tools can misidentify human and AI generated text.

Learn more about:

How can I respond to the use of AI?

LINK - the Center for Learning and Education - presents information on important implications that AI, like ChatGPT, can have for higher education and offers advice on how we can think about managing this technology in education for the short-term and long-term.

BetterTeaching (BedreUndervisning)

BetterTeaching is a resource bank inside Canvas made by LINK. BetterTeaching presents research-based principles and ideas for better teaching.

Log into Canvas with your UiO account to learn more about:

Tips for digital and hybrid teaching

Here you can find resources to support planning and delivering digital and hybrid teaching.

Pedagogical tips for digital and hybrid teaching

UiO offers several resources to help you develop your digital and hybrid teaching:

Communication in a digital and hybrid learning environment

Good communication is important in a digital or hybrid learning environment to ensure students maintain their motivation when working off-campus or in the classroom.

Interactive group work

Digital and hybrid seminars using small student-groups provide an opportunity for more discussion and interaction between students, and also between students and instructors.

Flipped classroom

In flipped classrooms, students work through introductory material such as pre-recorded video lectures on subject matter before the teaching session. During teaching sessions, teachers apply student active learning techniques.

Tools to create digital and hybrid teaching content

Digital and hybrid teaching is shaped by the digital tools you apply. IDEA provides information about the digital tools available for UiO teachers to support your digital and hybrid teaching.

Digital tools available through UiO

UiO offers staff access to a wide range of digital tools to use in your digital and hybrid classrooms.

Recording lectures

Learning to record and upload your own class lectures is easy with the software programs available at UiO. UiO recommends two programs to record your own video lectures:

  • PowerPoint
  • Panopto

Recording with PowerPoint

PowerPoint on PC and Mac allows you to record a video using your PowerPoint slides and computer's web camera and/or microphone.

Record with Panopto

Panopto is a video recording and editing program licensed by UiO

  • UiO offers comprehensive instructions on Everything You Need To Know About Panopto, including:
    • How to install/download Panopto
    • How to record and edit videos with Panopto
    • How to integrate Panopto with your Canvas classroom

Autotekst - Speech to Text program

UiO has updated their Autotekst Speech-to-Text program with improved AI capable of automatically transcribing and providing text captioning in English and Norwegian for video and audio.

Upload your videos

Upload videos to Canvas


UiO uses Canvas as a digital learning platform for courses.

UiO provides:

Tools for interactive digital and hybrid teaching

Your UiO account provides access to several digital tools useful to create more interaction with students during digital or hybrid teaching. Zoom Polls, MentiMeter, and SamTavla/TalkWall encourage interaction and feedback between you and your students.

Learn to create interactive digital and hybrid teachings

UiO provides a short course on how you can create interactivity in a digital teaching environment using Zoom:

Using Zoom Polls

Zoom offers an application to further improve interactivity - Zoom Polls. Zoom Polls gives you the opportunity to generate feedback and engagement from students while using Zoom.

Accessing and Using Zoom at UiO

Using Zoom Polls in digital or hybrid teaching

Using MentiMeter

MentiMeter is a digital platform designed to encourage student engagement in physical, digital, and hybrid classrooms.

Accessing MentiMeter at UiO

Using MentiMeter for digital and hybrid teaching

Using SamTavla/TalkWall

SamTavla/TalkWall is designed to enage and involve students in collective and interactive learning conversations.

Using SamTavla/TalkWall at UiO

Using SamTavla/TalkWall for digital and hybrid teaching

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UiO's goal is to make education available for everyone. Universal Design focuses on redesigning products, environments, and digital content in ways so they can be used by all people, to the greatest possible extent, without expecting individuals to have to adapt or struggle with access or use.

Here you can find resources to help you create universally designed PowerPoint presentations, Canvas pages, and digital teaching material.

Universal Design for digital teaching material

Universally designed teaching material can take many different forms.

The Pope Tech YouTube channel provides an excellent playlist to help you understand why universally designed digital material is important and demonstrates how you can make universally designed digital teaching material, ranging from:

  • Writing accessible text
  • Using alternative text for images
  • Creating accessible tables
  • Creating accessible videos with audio
  • and more

Universal Design Checklists

Lovisenberg diakonale høgskole provides checklists in Norwegian to help you universally design different digital documents and materials:

  • Microsoft Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • PDF-dokumenter
  • Canvas
  • Panopto
  • Mentimeter
  • Video
  • Podcast and audio

Universal Design in PowerPoint

PowerPoint includes functions to check and improve universal design:

Universal Design in Canvas

Ally Accessibility Checker in Canvas

Your Canvas course accessibility is also improved by using the integrated Ally accessibility checker. Ally offers several helpful features, such as:

  • Providing you with feedback on the accessibility of your course content
  • Guiding you through fixing accessibility issues
  • Offering students alternative formats to view or access Canvas course content

More support on using Ally is available at:

Autotekst - Speech to Text program

UiO has updated their Autotekst Speech-to-Text program with improved AI capable of automatically transcribing and providing text captioning in English and Norwegian for video and audio.

Additional resources Universal Design for digital teaching material

Media production for teachers

IDEA cooperates with media production service centres across UiO to increase UV staff's capacity to produce media for teaching. You have the opportunity to receive support with media production and to loan technical equipment to produce your own teaching content.

You can find more information about media production services and contact information for the media production centres at UiO: LINK, HF:Studio, Oslo SPeLL, and TLVLab


LINK offers support for:

  • Digitalisation
  • Video and media production
  • Research and development projects
  • Contact LINK


HF:Studio provides:

Oslo SPeLL

Oslo SPeLL provides:


TLVLab provides:

Student participation

Student participation is important to create a good learning environment and to maintain students' motivation. Here you can find resources to enhance student participation in your digital and hybrid classroom.

Involve students as Learning Assistants

LINK explains that student Learning Assistants can support student interactivity and peer-to-peer learning if Learning Assistants are properly trained and integrated into the classroom:

  • Learning Assistants' activities must be well connected to the course or educational program
  • The roles of the teacher and Learning Assistant must be clear
  • Learning Assistants must be provided subject-specific and educational training
  • Regular dialogue between the employed students, subject teachers, and student administration must be established and maintained

LINK offers support to teachers who want to integrate student Learning Assistants in their courses.

Involve students through teaching designs

Students and Learning Assistants are important to create a good learning environment. You can involve your students through:

LINK provides further support and resources on how you can involve students in your teaching design.

Involve students in research

Have you considered involving students in your own research projects? Several research staff at UV have experience with engaging students in research:

Exams and evaluation practice

How can we think differently about how we give exams and how we provide feedback to help students advance through their education? We can start by revisiting how we examine and assess students.

Tips advice for evaluation and exams

UiO provides information on How to plan for digital, take home, and other exam formats, including:

  • Beginning with our learning outcomes
  • Determining what is feasbile on an exam
  • Choosing an appropriate exam format
    • Individual written take-home exam
    • Group submission
    • Digital multiple choice test
    • Portfolio assignments
    • Oral exams
  • Strengths and weakenesses of exam formats
  • Tips and advice on assessment and grade determination
  • Information to share with students

Digital Video Case exam

Are you or your students interested in using a Video Case exam?

The Department of Teacher Education and School Reserach provides a demonstration of a Video Case exam for PPU, including:

Labs at UV - training and development

The UV Faculty has three specialized labs that assist both staff and students in digital technologies and solutions connected to educational research. IDEA cooperates with all three labs to develop common training and support for UV staff and students.

For more information on each Lab, follow the links below:

Published Dec. 19, 2022 8:43 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 9:24 AM