Navigating the AI Frontier: Insights from Our Workshop Series

Interested in learning more about GenAI in the context of teaching and learning? IDEA has developed a collaborative workshop series to prepare UV faculty to understand and confidentially use these technologies in the classroom.  

A group of people sitting around a table with their laptops and tablets.


The creation of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) programs has raised important questions in academia. What are these technologies, and how can we effectively and ethically use them? What are the potential opportunities for and challenges to teaching and learning with GenAI? How can I consider and use GenAI to strengthen the learning environment? IDEA's workshop series, "Teaching with GenAI," seeks to address these by providing information, exploring experiences from fellow educators, and structuring opportunities for hands-on practice directly to teaching faculty within UV.   

Our Expertise

The IDEA workshop series on Generative AI (GenAI) for teaching and learning has been developed by a team of leaders and educators within UV who share the goal of understanding and critically assessing applications of GenAI for education. The project is led by Andreas Lund and Kennedy Bailey.  

Workshop Objectives

1. Foundations of GenAI for the Classroom

Objectives: Participants will be introduced to the GenAI resources approved by UiO and guided through effective usage strategies. The characteristics, possibilities, and limitations of GenAI will be explained and discussed. Participants will then experience hands-on use of GenAI in designing students’ tasks and assignments where the focus will be on what competences are (still) uniquely human and which competencies can be operationalized by GenAI. A main objective is for participants to develop expertise in prompt design.

This fall, the first workshop seeks to build foundational knowledge on the use of GenAI for pedagogical applications in preparation for the subsequent workshops in the series.  

2. Ongoing Feedback and Assessment with GenAI

Objectives: Participants will critically assess how GenAI can be used for assessment practices, become familiar with GenAI’s potentials and limitations in assessment, and explore the creation of guidelines for student use of GenAI within the context of their own subject areas.  

The second workshop in IDEA’s series will guide participants through various assessment possibilities and practices to use GenAI to facilitate ongoing feedback to students.  

This year, workshop two will provide specific examples to demonstrate how GenAI can be used to build evaluative rubrics, facilitate students’ self-review, guide peer discussion, and assist teachers in their ability to provide meaningful and ongoing feedback throughout a course.  

3. Innovative Exam Design

Objective: Participants will discuss the opportunities and challenges that GenAI developments pose to exam design and contribute to facilitated discussions in which exam strategies for academically honest exams can be conducted to accurately assess student progress.  

The final workshop in our series is dedicated to strong exam design in the age of GenAI. The spring hosted insightful discussions and collaborative problem-solving opportunities between teaching faculty. This fall, IDEA will help participants consider innovative strategies that directly incorporate (or allow for) students’ use of GenAI technology while still meaningfully assessing their content-knowledge mastery.  

Responding to Feedback

Our workshops received overwhelmingly positive feedback from spring 2024 participants and contributors. Participants found the content directly applicable to their teaching context and felt as though they benefitted from the hands-on experiences they gained in working with both the technologies and other faculty members. However, we are continuing to develop and improve our offering. We hope to provide more examples of GenAI use from real-world contexts and help participants leave with understandings and specific experiences that they can immediately apply to their own classes.  

Preparing for Fall 2024

IDEA continues to offer this workshop series to all UV faculty members. Additionally, this upcoming fall, we are proud to incorporate the workshop series into UV's offer for junior faculty.

Registration will be made available in August 2024. 

Av Andreas Lund (Professor em., ILS), Kennedy Bailey (IDEA)
Publisert 17. juni 2024 08:57 - Sist endret 17. juni 2024 08:57