QUINT Mobility Grant

QUINT mobility grants cover individual research visits and writing seminars for QUINT affiliated researchers. 


Expired call

  • Application available: 21 April 2023
  • Deadline: 12 June 2023
  • Expected notification date: by July 2023

Grant for co-writing

Group grant for co-writing publications

  • Purpose: co-writing seminars with an outcome of scholarly publications across QUINT projects including analysis from at least two QUINT partner countries or more. This grant is aimed at writing collaboratively and not for planning purposes. In your application form, you would need to specify a publisher.
  • Who can apply: Groups of QUINT researchers (one application per group submitted by the corresponding author)
  • Duration: up to three nights
  • Funding: travel cost (economy class) & accommodation (not exceeding three nights), group lunch all days and one group dinner. 
    General rule: Optimum balance between cost, quality, risk and environmental sustainability. 
  • Expected outcomes: journal articles, chapter collection and special issues with analysis from at least two QUINT partner countries.
  • Timeline: The fellowship has to be used in 2023 and by summer 2024.
  • Report (no later than one month after the ending date of the visit). 


Application procedure

Group writing grant

Writing seminar

One application per group per seminar submitted by the corresponding author.

Letter of motivation (1-2 pages)

Includes a plan for your stay with the programme, publishers/journal title for submission, theme, and title. How this publication will contribute to QUINT's academic ambition in general and ensure synergies across the QUINT projects. 

Budget: Travel cost (economy class) & accommodation (up to three nights), group lunch all days and one group dinner. 
General rule: Optimum balance between cost, quality, risk and environmental sustainability. 


Limited number of grants are available, relevance for the centre’s themes and projects, and quality/purpose of the application. Each application will be considered by the QUINT Management group individually. Main focus in the evaluation is the actual publication and its quality.  Publications that ensure synergies between QUINT projects will be prioritised. 



Bookings & disbursement of funding

  • Bookings: follow your employment institution's guidelines when booking accommodation and transport tickets for your research trips. 
  • Funding is disbursed to the research organisation with which the researcher is employed through annual invoices to QUINT.