Grant call: International Mobility

QUINT announces mobility fellowships for researchers with visiting period January-December 2022.

Deadline: 30 November 2021

Image may contain: Rectangle, Building, Sky, Tower block, Mesh.

Who can apply?

The fellowships are open for all QUINT members, including international collaborators. 

The grant is individual and cannot be transferred. 

List of the QUINT affiliated researchers (link)

Purpose: international collaboration

  • Joint research
  • Joint writing
  • Advising
  • Training
  • Teaching


  • A visit in one of QUINT’s partner institutions, including host institutions of international collaborators.
  • Length: 2-4 (6) weeks
  • QUINT covers travel and accommodation, and up to 400 NOK per week for irregular costs incurred by the visit. Other incurred costs are to be covered by sending institutions.
  • The fellowship has to be used during the calendar year it is granted
  • Report (no later than one month after the ending date of the visit)

Application process

  • Application link 
  • Motivation letter (max 2 pages) includes reasons for the visit, planned cooperation and significance for the research agenda of the centre
  • Preliminary plan for your stay
  • Invitation letter from the hosting institution (free form, include contact person in the hosting institution)
  • CV (max 2 pages), including publications list for the last 5 years
  • Budget

Evaluation: relevance for the centre’s themes and projects, and quality/purpose of the application.

Published Oct. 1, 2021 1:21 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 12:55 PM