Visiting Oslo

Take a virtual tour of selected places in Oslo. 

Historical Museum

VÍKINGR – Viking Age exhibition 

In VÍKINGR you can see some of the most exquisite objects found from the Norwegian Viking Age at the Historical Museum. Guided Tour on video provided by the Historical Museum or have a look at the display at the VÍKINGR exhibition, where you will find familiar and exquisite artefacts representing different aspects of life, death and society. 

Photo: Calle Huth, provided by the Historical Museum
Photo: Calle Huth, the Historical Museum, University of Oslo

Fabulous Animals – from the Iron Age to the Vikings

The Vikings and their ancestors looked upon animals with awe and admiration. Enter a world where the relationship with animals was completely different from today. Guided tour (link to the Historical museum website).

Photo: Ellen C. Holte
Photo: Ellen C. Holte, The Historical Museum, University of Oslo

Transformation – faith and sacred objects in the Middle Ages

This exhibition contains a number of beautiful artefacts sacred to Norwegians in the Middle Ages. Guided tour (link to the Historical Museum in Oslo)

Museum of Cultural History/ The Viking Ship Museum

The Oseberg Viking Ship in 3D (Link to the 3D exhibition). Oseberg is richly decorated and was equipped with lavish burial gifts for the two women onboard. It took 21 years to restore the ship and the finds.

The Oseberg ship in the Viking Ship Museum. © Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo/ Eirik Irgens Johnsen
The Oseberg ship in the Viking Ship Museum. © Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo/ Eirik Irgens Johnsen

Kon-Tiki Museum

Tour in 3D (External link, Kon-Tiki Museum in 3D)

Published Aug. 9, 2021 1:23 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 1:09 PM