Conference Stipend: PhD Fellows

QUINT offers stipend for PhD students to attend the QUINT Conference 2023 in Finland, 30 May-2 June. 

QUINT stipend covers:

  • Conference fee
  • Travel (economy ticket) (arrival Monday 29 May - departure 2 June)
    • Travel outside Europe: maximum of 10 000 NOK 
  • Accommodation at the conference hotel (4 nights)
  • Meals at the conference (reception, conference dinner, lunch, and coffee breaks all days)
  • Cultural events

Funding is limited to PhD students with accepted papers, upon prior application (expired). This stipend is available to PhD students also outside the QUINT network. In order to apply, you need to be enrolled as doctoral research fellow at any institution for the upcoming academic year, submit your abstract and be accepted. There is a limited number of grants available. All candidates will be notified in due time by the beginning of April at the latest. 

All applications should be submitted together with the abstract submission.

Priority will be give to candidates with high quality papers and with relevance to the QUINT research ambition.   

All bookings through QUINT Administration, instructions will be provided together with the confirmation letter.


  • Application for funding - 1 March 2023
  • Letter of confirmation - Beginning of April
  • Bookings - May
  • Arrival day - 29 May
  • PhD Summer Institute - 30-31 May (PhD presentations)
  • General conference - 1-2 June
  • Departure - 2 June


  • PhD stipend does not cover:
    • Meals outside the conference programme
    • Local transportation
    • Extra nights before/after the conference
    • Vaccination or Covid-19 related requirements
    • Taxi bills
    • Visa fees or any other fees
  •  Any other reimbursements or travel claims to be discussed and approved beforehand

QUINT follows government regulations for business trips in Norway and University of Oslo's guidelines and requirements, such as:

  • Planning and execution of travel should maintain a focus on the environment and sustainability.
  • The trip must be conducted at the lowest price (Economy tickets are the default), albeit so that the travel time is not unreasonably long 
  • All travel services must be performed in a cost-effective and needs-adapted manner to free time and resources at the organization for the organization's core activities.





Published Jan. 16, 2023 1:42 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2023 11:12 AM