QUINT Observation System Seminar: April 9th 2024

Illustration, camera and teaching situation

Welcome to the QUINT Observation Systems Seminars (OBS seminars).  This series will discuss classroom observation systems as a tool for understanding and improving teaching quality.

This and upcoming OBS seminars are open for all interested parties.  We want it to become a meeting arena for scholars genuinely interested in observation systems and related issues. Therefore we recommend that you join our network by subscribing to the network mailing list. You must confirm your email address in the confirmation email you receive to complete signing up to the mailing list. 

If you are interested in presenting your research or have questions, please contact the organizer, Mark White.


As part of our mini-series on the challenges in linking observation scores and student outcome measures, on April 9th at 15:00 CET/9am ET, Mark White, Richard Göllner, and Thilo Kleickmann will give a presentation entitled: "Reconsidering the Measurement of Teaching Quality using a Lens Model: Measurement Dilemmas and Tradeoffs"


Research has highlighted many complexities in the measurement of teaching quality that might explain the weak and inconsistent effects of teaching on learning. We introduce a lens model framework that connects both the conceptualized construct and the measured construct (i.e., scores) to teachers actual teaching in the classroom. This model helps researchers to carefully consider the quality with which teaching quality scores represent the conceptualized construct (i.e., construct validity) and provides a framework for considering various dilemmas that arise when measuring teaching quality. We use the lens model to explore three dilemmas: (1) limitations in the availability and accessibility of cues that characterize constructs; (2) the variability of cues across instructional settings; and (3) the alignment of the unit of measurement and the unit of the construct.  We provide guidance and suggestions for managing these dilemmas, which we hope will provide guidance for researchers seeking to measure teaching quality.




Published Jan. 17, 2024 4:59 PM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2024 9:13 PM