Kirsti Klette speaking about ethics and privacy in using video data

Privacy in research data is a hot topic at the moment. QUINT Director Kirsti Klette is speaking about the challenges and possibilities with using video data at OsloMet.  

Kirsti Klette working on video data

Photo: Shane David Colvin / UiO

QUINT Director Kirsti Klette is speaking at the Privacy conference at OsloMet today 30th October 2019. Her talk is titled Ethics and privacy in using video data: challenges and solutions. The talk will cover issues around data storage, meta-tagging, data sharing and usage. This relates closely to the work under QUINT Theme 2: building an infrastructure for video library. 

By Larissa Lily, QUINT/UiO
Published Oct. 30, 2019 10:14 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2021 10:09 AM