Shock digitalisation: Education during Covid19

QUINT researchers share findings from research into lockdown schooling.  Sneak preview of a new video. 

Girl and laptop.

Parents and students found homeschooling at times demanding, Norwegian survey showed. Illustration photo: Colourbox. 

Many of QUINT's plans for seminars, events and research activities this year have been disrupted and delayed by the coronavirus measures and ongoing restrictions. The latest victim of these restrictions is the QUINT livestream seminar and panel talk that was planned for tonight. The live event is now postponed to early 2021, provided that we can bring the panel together in the same space then.

For now, QUINT is compiling a video presenting some of the main findings from recent research into lockdown schooling. The emergency teaching situation that characterised schooling this year, especially with periods of homeschooling and remote teaching, has had a major impact on education.

QUINT researchers have looked into how homeschooling was experienced by parents and students, the role of digital technology in remote schooling, and how students' emotional, social and academic well-being was impacted. We will release a longer more comprehensive video documentary later in November, but here are two chapters as a sneak preview.

Professor Marte Blikstad-Balas shares about the main findings from a Norwegian survey into parents' experiences during homeschooling in the spring 2020. 


Video production: Larissa Lily, QUINT/ UiO

Professor Ane Qvortrup from University of Southern Denmark continues to research how adapted teaching since the re-opening of schools in Denmark is taking place. The smaller group sizes and more frequent outdoor activities have led to more exploratory and investigatory learning, and more activities that align with playful learning environments. 


Video production: Larissa Lily, QUINT / UiO.


Tags: Covid-19, lockdown, homeschooling, Education By Larissa Lily, QUINT/UiO
Published Nov. 25, 2020 3:14 PM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2021 10:09 AM