NERA 2020: keynote Kirsti Klette

QUINT Centre Director Professor Kirsti Klette is among keynote speakers at the NERA Conference 2020. Title of her presentation is "Beyond Fragmentation: Towards a common language in researching Nordic classrooms".

Image may contain: Winter, Daytime, Snow, Building, Architecture.

NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education
in the Nordic countries

Keynote: Professor Kirsti Klette, QUINT Centre Director

"Beyond Fragmentation: Towards a common language in researching Nordic classrooms"


More than forty years ago, Dan Lortie famously lamented a lack of a common language with which to describe teaching together with fragmentation as key obstacles for improving teaching and schooling.

In this talk, Dr. Klette will explore the use video research design and observation protocols as tools to develop common language and professional vision around teaching and to improve instruction, drawing on Nordic classroom data.

When: Thursday 5 March, 11.00 - 12.00

Published Feb. 10, 2020 1:49 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 1:28 PM