Nordic cooperation on data sharing will be presented at AERA symposium in the US

QUINT Director Kirsti Klette will discuss the Centre's extensive work on data sharing across countries at the symposium in Chicago.

Illustration photo

Klette at NERA 2023 conference in Oslo. Photo: Misha Jemsek/UiO

The symposium titled "Data Sharing Across Multiple Languages and Multiple Global Perspectives," takes place on April 16.

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting is the world's largest gathering of education researchers.

Klette will be joined by researchers from the US and Germany, and will be representing the Nordic perspective on data sharing in education research.

Abstract from Symposium

With attention to data sharing as a key component of open science with high potential value for replication research and secondary analysis of work across the globe, this symposium will serve as a launching point for discussions of linguistic diversity in the process of data sharing. Participants representing a diversity of perspectives will consider current research on multilingualism and its potential application for sharing data across global regions. Topics for discussion will include the role of repositories; legal and ethical concerns; equivalences and complexities; and methods for fostering equity to encourage access, sharing, and use of data across multiple languages.


Session Participants:

Session Organizer: Mary Piper Waters (American Educational Research Association)

Chair: Ingrid Gogolin (Universität Hamburg)

Panelist: Marc Rittberger (DIPF Leibniz-Institute)

Panelist: Margaret Levenstein (University of Michigan)

Panelist: Courtney A. Bell (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Panelist: Gustavo E. Fischman (Arizona State University)

Panelist: Kirsti Klette (University of Oslo)


Schedule Information:

Scheduled Time: Sun Apr 16 2023, 9:50 to 11:20am 

Building/Room: Hyatt Regency Chicago, East Tower- Ballroom Level - Grand Hall L

Title Displayed in Event Calendar: Data Sharing Across Multiple Languages and Multiple Global Perspectives



Published Mar. 30, 2023 1:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2023 1:53 PM