Anna Nissen

QUINT PhD Fellow

Karlstad University, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Pedagogical Work


Anna Nissen

Academic Interests

Nissen’s main field of study is language arts. She is especially interested in reading, reading comprehension and literature discussions as a way of learning.


Nissen has been a teacher of Swedish, English and music for almost 30 years. She has mainly worked with teenagers in upper secondary school, but she has also taught children and adults. In 2018 she finished her master thesis in didactics at the University of Gothenburg. It is about how students show ethical awareness when they discuss fiction in small groups.

PhD Dissertation 

Based on video-data from the LISA-study, Nissen investigates how literary texts are used in language arts classrooms across the Nordic countries. In her first study, she compares the enacted literature instruction in Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and examines to what extent literary texts are used in the instruction.

Supervisors: Professor Michael Tengberg, Karlstad University and Professor Marte Blikstad-Balas, University of Oslo


Nissen, A. (2020). "En god människa är en så'n som inte dränker hundar" : Att diskutera etik utifrån skönlitteratur. In M. Johansson, B.-G. Martinsson, & S. P. Swärd (Eds.), Trettonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning Linköping (pp. 176-189).  

Anna Lyngfelt och Anna Nissen. (2018). Skönlitteraturbaserad etikundervisning och fiktionalitetUtbildning & demokrati nr 3.


Published Sep. 2, 2019 1:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2021 1:34 PM