Armin Jentsch

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Oslo, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, Faculty of Educational Sciences


Academic Interests

Armin Jentsch is a postdoctoral research fellow within the project "SynthesizingImage may contain: Top, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Mouth. Research on Teaching Quality“ (SYNTEQ). Before joining University of Oslo, Jentsch held academic positions at the universities of Hamburg, Cologne and Greifswald. His academic interests involve (but are not limited to) research on teaching quality, mathematics education and empirical research methods. The most recent work is on how to better understand what falls under the term “cognitive activation“ (e.g., to what extent we are talking about the same thing across subjects, whether it is highlighted in specific instructional practices, measurement and statistical modelling, its various effects on student outcomes, and so forth).


  • 2021, MSc in Statistics, Hasselt University, Belgium
  • 2019, PhD in Education, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • 2013, MEd in Education, Media Technology and Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • 2011, BSc in Education, Media Technology and Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Germany

Postdoctoral project

Jentsch's aim in his postdoc project is to try to better understand what falls under the term “cognitive activation“ (e.g., to what extent we are talking about the same thing and whether it is highlighted in specific instructional practices across subjects), as well as the implications for measurement and statistical modelling.

Publications (selected)

Blömeke, S., Kaiser, G., König, J. & Jentsch, A. (2020). Profiles of mathematics teachers‘ competence and their relation to instructional quality. ZDM Mathematics Education, 52(2), 329-342.

Blömeke, S., Jentsch, A., König, J. & Kaiser, G. (2022). Opening up the black box: Teacher competence, instructional quality, and students’ learning progression. Learning and Instruction, 79, 101600.

Charalambous, C. Y., Praetorius, A., Walkowiak, T., Sammons, P., Jentsch, A. & Kyriakides, L. (2021). Working More Collaboratively to Better Understand Teaching and its Quality: Challenges Faced and Possible Solutions. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 71, 101092.

Jentsch, A., Schlesinger, L., Casale, G., Kaiser, G., König, J. & Blömeke, S. (2020). Variabilität und Generalisierbarkeit von Ratings zur Qualität von Mathematikunterricht zwischen und innerhalb von Unterrichtsstunden. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 48(2), 179-197.

Jentsch, A., Schlesinger, L., Heinrichs, H., Kaiser, G., König, J. & Blömeke, S. (2020). Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht: Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 42, 97-121.

Jentsch, A., Heinrichs, H., Schlesinger, L., Kaiser, G., König, J. & Blömeke, S. (2022). Multi-group measurement invariance and generalizability analyses for an instructional quality observation instrument. In M. Blikstad-Balas, K. Klette & M. Tengberg (Hrsg.), Ways of analyzing teaching quality. Potentials and pitfalls (S. 121-139). Scandinavian University Press.

Jentsch, A. & König, J. (2022). Teacher Competence and Professional Development. In T. Nilsen, A. Stancel-Piątak & J.-E. Gustafsson (Hrsg.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education (S. 1167-1183). Springer.

Lindorff, A., Jentsch, A., Walkington, C., Kaiser, G. & Sammons, P. (2020). Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67, 100919.

Schlesinger, L. & Jentsch, A. (2016). Theoretical and methodological challenges in measuring instructional quality in mathematics education using classroom observations. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(1), 29-40.

Schlesinger, L., Jentsch, A., Kaiser, G., König, J. & Blömeke, S. (2018). Subject-Specific Characteristics of Instructional Quality in Mathematics Education. ZDM Mathematics Education, 50(3), 475-490.

Published Jan. 5, 2023 2:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 11:58 AM