Special Issue: Smartphones in Classrooms

QUINT researchers from the Connected Classrooms project have co-edited a special issue of the Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,entitled "Smartphones in Classrooms".

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Against the background of the rapid rise in the use of smartphones, screen use has also been the object of moral discussions, where many people advocate norms about mobile free zones in some social domains like, for example, work meetings, at the dinner table or the theatre – and most of all the moral discussions in the public debate have focused on phones in schools and classrooms. In Sweden, for example, several political parties have put the mobile phone discussion on their political agenda and recently France, as another example, decided upon a total ban of mobile phones in schools. The political debates about smartphones in schools are primarily based on moral attitudes, and there is a great lack of research-based knowledge about what really goes on in classrooms that have been connected from within via the a-students' own phones. In this special issue, we address this lack of knowledge and present six articles that take a close interest in how smartphone use affects classroom interaction and social life in schools.

Full information

Christina Olin-Scheller, Fritjof Sahlström, Marie Tanner, "Smartphones in Classrooms", Special Issue Learning, Culture and Social InteractionVolume 21, 2019.

Open Access

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Published Nov. 5, 2019 12:16 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2021 12:34 PM