Fiction in Norwegian Language Arts

In this article QUINT researchers Ida Lodding Gabrielsen and Marte Blikstad-Balas have studied what literary texts were used in 178 Norwegian lessons in the 8th Grade.

photo of the journal cover


A key ambition for the L1 subject is to provide meaningful arenas for children and young people to experience liter- ature. The texts that students encounter in their Norwegian language arts (L1) subject is an underexplored topic. In this article, we explore which literary texts students from 47 different classrooms in the 8th grade read in four consecutive lessons (178 lessons). Our major findings are that the repertoire of literature made available to students is limited and stems from subject-specific textbooks. Further, we find extensive use of literary excerpts, and that when students read entire novels, these are self-chosen and intended for individual reading, not shared literary experiences. The literary texts are all typical of their literary genre, e.g. typical short stories – and never challenge classical genre features, which distances school literature from contemporary literature. The article can be read as an argument for reevaluating the role of literature in the classroom.

Full information

Lodding Gabrielsen, I. & Blikstad-Balas, M., "Hvilken litteratur møter elevene i norskfaget? En analyse av hvilke skjønnlitterære verk som inngår i 178 norsktimer på åttende trinn", (Fiction in Norwegian Language Arts - A Study of Literary Texts Used in 178 Lessons in 8th Grade), in Edda, Scandinavian Journal of Literary Research 02/2020 (Vol 107), p. 85-99. 


Tags: Literature in school, canon, choice of literature, excerpts, literature didactics
Published May 15, 2020 9:18 AM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2021 9:28 AM