Exploratory conversations between teachers and researchers about connected classroom practices

Journal article by Marie Nilsberth, Christina Olin-Scheller, Eva Tarander & Annelie K Johansson in Forskning om undervisning och lärande.


This article focuses on the conversations between teachers and researchers about challenges connected to the digitalisation of teaching at a school that invested in introducing digital technology in all subjects. The aim is to shed light on transformation processes in various school subjects in digitalised and connected classrooms by analysing how learning about these issues takes shape in the conversations between the participants. Eight group discussions were conducted over four school years and have been analysed with conversation analysis to make visible the physical, semantic and social dimensions of the learning spaces that are formed. The analysis makes visible how the conversation arrangement supports learning processes both during and between the conversations, and that they can bridge disruptions in continuity that can be related to organizational changes at the school. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the group composition with teachers from different subjects did not favour the deepening of subject didactic aspects of the digitalisation of teaching. Instead more general pedagogical aspects became developed.

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Marie Nilsberth, Christina Olin-Scheller, Eva Tarander & Annelie K Johansson (2023) Utforskande samtal mellan lärare och forskare om uppkopplade klassrum, Forskning om undervisning och lärande, vol 11, nr 1, s. 81–106.


Published Apr. 27, 2023 9:21 AM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 3:30 PM