From coursework to fieldwork [...]

Journal article by Gøril Brataas & Inga Staal Jenset in Teaching and Teacher Education

Full title

From coursework to fieldwork: How do teacher candidates enact and adapt core practices for instructional scaffolding?


Scholars debate whether foregrounding core practices in teacher education will enable candidates not only to enact but also to adapt these practices to specific classroom contexts. This study investigated six candidates’ enactment and adaptation of three practices for instructional scaffolding—introduced through the use of video during coursework— as they implemented those practices in their language arts teaching during fieldwork. The findings showed that all six candidates enacted the practices with their students and made various adaptations suited to their respective classroom contexts. The study provides nuanced information for ongoing conversations about pedagogies for practice-based teacher education.

Full info

Gøril Brataas, Inga Staal Jenset (2023) "From coursework to fieldwork: How do teacher candidates enact and adapt core practices for instructional scaffolding?" Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 132.

Published Mar. 12, 2024 3:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2024 10:20 AM