Are you a student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) and have a good idea or concept for social innovation related to education?

The Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) is now offering up to 4 scholarships of 25,000 kr for innovation projects for students. What great ideas do you have for the future of the education sector? 

A group of students sitting and standing around a table, working with their computers and with paper graphs regarding their project.

Photo: Kindel Media (from

The Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) is now offering scholarships for student innovation projects. 

Innovation consists of processes that lead to a new or improved product or initiative that will improve services or solve societal needs. In practice, innovation involves identifying solutions to problems that either don't have a solution, or where the existing solution is not good enough. 

What great ideas do you have for the future education sector? 

You can apply for funding to 

You can apply for funds to develop innovative ideas and concepts to problems in educational contexts. Examples of educational contexts can range from teaching and learning situations in schools to learning in the workplace and the use of digital tools and technology. 

We encourage all students who have identified a problem or have an idea that they believe is feasible to apply. The purpose of the funds is to support students in the early stages to explore the problem, analyze the need for a solution, and potentially develop a prototype of the solution to the educational problem. 

We emphasize applications that demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed innovation/solution. 

Financial Support 

Up to 4 scholarships of 25,000 kr each are being offered. 

The application must include 

A brief description of the project, including an theoretical justification and a proposal for the development process of the solution. Length: up to 1,000 words. This includes: 

  • The educational theme and the issue you have identified 

  • The target group and context 

  • The process and methods you will use to find/develop a solution 

  • A progression plan for the project period 

  • A draft budget – what you will use the funds for – to be included in the description of the project. 

Attached is a template that applicants can use to complete their application:  

Template for application to Student Scholarship 

The awarding of scholarships will depend on the quality of the application and its relevance to the announcement. 

Who can apply 

  • You must be a student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. If there are multiple students applying together, the main applicant must be a student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. 

  • Multiple students can collaborate on a project and will then share one scholarship. 

You must use the scholarship within the project period, which runs from when you receive the scholarship (early spring 2024) until the end of 2024. 

Those who are granted scholarships will be asked to submit: a) a report on the project and what the scholarship has been used for when the project is completed, and b) a presentation of the innovation project for other students and staff at the faculty. 

Application deadline 

March 1, 2024. The application must be submitted through this online form:

Online form


Questions can be directed to Trym Vindenes Berger ( eller Anette Lillebill Moe (

By Trym Vindenes Berger
Published Dec. 7, 2023 12:23 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2024 1:13 PM