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Awarded NOK 15.5 million to research on language skills and pupils who are academically strong against all odds

Researchers Johan Braeken and Nani Teig at the Faculty of Educational Sciences were awarded two projects within the Research Council's thematic call for proposals in the area of education and competence. 

How to ensure good measurements of children's language skills?

The project "Screening Early and Adaptively for Language Skills" (SEALS) is led by

Portrett av Johan Braeken
The Research Council has just announced the results of several of this year's calls. Professor Johan Braeken is one of the awarded project leaders (foto: UiO).

Professor Johan Braeken at the Centre for Educational Measurement (CEMO), and has been awarded NOK 7.6 million via the Research Council of Norway's call for Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal.

Social inequality in early language development in children can hinder later success in education and work.

That's why it's important to have the best diagnostic screening tools to detect and address the inequalities early enough, and the project will contribute to this.

New tools for educational researchers and practitioners

The goal is a methodological toolbox for design and validation of tests, which will also benefit the practitioners involved in testing.

It is a goal that the project can contribute to raising the quality of psychometric measurements that measure psychological phenomena, also beyond language skills.

Braeken is pleased with the award:

– I think it's going to be a lot of fun. The project is a methodology project with potential for direct application and I have a fantastic project team!

Joining him on the project are Associate Professor Ellen Brinchmann from the Department of Special Needs Education, Muirne Paap from the University of Groningen and Anne Arnesen from the National Development Centre for Children and Youth.

Centre director Rolf Vegar Olsen congratulates: 

– This is an exciting project that shows that the development of good measurements is important for educational research and practice. CEMO is also pleased that with this project we are contributing to a kick-start for CREATE - Centre for Research on Equality in Education, which opens this autumn.

Will study academically strong pupils

What is it that makes some pupils with limited educational resources succeed?

Associate Professor Nani Teig from the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will receive NOK 8 million in the category Researcher Project for Young Talents. She will lead the Academic resilience in mathematics and science (ARISE) project.

Portrett av førsteamanuensis Nani Teig
Associate Professor Nani Teig is awarded a Young Talents Grant

The researcher emphasises that it is important for the field of education in general and teacher educators and politicians in particular to know more about what we can learn from these academically strong pupils.

– The findings from the project will help make mathematics and science education more equitable and inclusive for all pupils, says Nani Teig.

Norway is considered an egalitarian country, but here too social inequality is increasing. Education is often highlighted as an important investment in reducing social inequalities.

Some of the colleagues from the Faculty of Educational Sciences participating are Professor Ronny Scherer and researchers Trude Nilsen and Hege Kaarstein. In addition, research colleagues from OsloMet and NTNU and a selection of international educational institutions participate.

High relevance for primary and secondary education

Dean Rita Hvistendahl congratulates on behalf of The Faculty of Educational Sciences:

– These are two important projects with high relevance for primary and secondary education. We congratulate you and wish you good luck with your research! At the same time, we thank everyone who has applied for the great work that has been put into the applications.

Read more:

Approved applications Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (

Approved applications Researcher Project for Young Talents (

Hva er det som gjør at noen elever med begrensede utdanningsressurser tar utfordringen og lykkes? - in Norwegian (Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning)

First Centre of Excellence in Education granted! - Centre for Educational Measurement (

By Linn Kristin Stølan, Magnus Heie, Monica Bjermeland
Published June 28, 2023 1:39 PM - Last modified June 28, 2023 1:40 PM