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Previous events - Page 2

Time and place: , Rom 621, NHA

This LEA meeting Mark White will present on his ongoing work conducting measurement invariance analyses with the PLATO observation rubric across the Nordic countries and math, L1, and social science content areas. This work begins with the goals and purposes of measurement invariance, viewing measurement invariance testing as a mixed-methods endeavor that requires careful conversation between theories of teaching quality and the measurement process.

We will also discuss the programme for the upcoming LEA seminar.

Time and place: , Høyskolen i Innlandet

Nani is presenting her research on academic resilience at Lillehammer, Inland School of Business and Social Sciences. She is also taking Wangqiong from CEMO to present her innovation project using registered data.

Time and place: , Rom 622

In this LEA meeting, Jelena will present the latest updates from the MATHMot project related to the findings from the pilot study last spring. She will also include how these have influenced some methodological choices applied in the ongoing main data collection. More information about the project can be found here -

Time and place: , Rom 622

In this LEA meeting, PhD candidate Oleksandra Mittal will present the ongoing work on “Malleable Factors Moderating Educational Equity and Equality in Schools: A Systematic Review”. Please see a brief abstract attached below.

In addition, the ICILS project will present its new information video.

Time and place: , Rom 622

In this LEA meeting, PhD candidate Bas Senden will present on "Finding the Quality in Teaching". The presentation will be open to non-members. A short abstract of the presentation can be found underneath.

Time and place: , Yerevan (in-person)

The ECER 2022 Theme is 'Education in a Changing World: The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research'. However, ECER welcomes contributions from a broad range of educational research.

Time and place: , Helga Engs Hus, Room 234

LEA member and young CAS fellow, Nani Teig, is organizing a CAS workshop on academic resilience and process data. The workshop will start at 09:15 every day from 8-10 August and can be followed physically at Helga Engs Hus, room 234, and digitally on zoom.

For physical attendance, register here.

For digital attendance, registration is not necessary and participants can follow along here.

Need more information? Contact Nani Teig.

Time and place: , Reykjavik, Island

The NERA 2022 conference addresses questions around Education and involvement in precarious times.
NERA is a meeting place for educational researchers from the nordic countries aiming to enhance collaboration and strengthen educational research across the Nordics.

Time and place: , Aud. 2, Helga Engs hus

Guri Nortvedt foreleser i forbindelse med opprykk til professor. Tittelen på forelesningen er «Matematikkundervisning for alle».

Time and place: , Stort møterom/ Klubben, Georg Sverdrups hus og Zoom

Lovisa Sumpter foreleser i forbindelse med tilsetting som professor. Tittelen på forelesningen er «Collective mathematical reasoning and different types of arguments».