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Previous events - Page 4

Time and place: , NHA 622

Regular group meeting

In regular LEA group meetings, members are informed about the latest news concerning the group, discuss current developments in large-scale assessments and related research, and provide feedback to each other's research endeavors.

Time and place: , NHA 621

Regular group meeting

In regular LEA group meetings, members are informed about the latest news concerning the group, discuss current developments in large-scale assessments and related research, and provide feedback to each other's research endeavors.

Time and place: , Hamburg University, Germany

The next ECER addresses topics around 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future'. Besides, it includes presentations of current research in educational sciences in general.

Time and place: , NHA 621

Regular group meeting

In regular LEA group meetings, members are informed about the latest news concerning the group, discuss current developments in large-scale assessments and related research, and provide feedback to each other's research endeavors.

Time and place: , NHA 621

Regular group meeting

In regular LEA group meetings, members are informed about the latest news concerning the group, discuss current developments in large-scale assessments and related research, and provide feedback to each other's research endeavors.

Time and place: , Aarhus University Copenhagen

The 8th IRC addresses issues surrounding the measurement, reporting, and evaluation of differences in the IEA's international large-scale studies. "The differences that make a difference" is the theme for the conference in 2019.

Time and place: , NHA 407

This is an invitation to the final reading ("Sluttlesning") of Nani Teig's upcoming dissertation thesis. Professor Doris Jorde will serve as a reader.

Time and place: , Nemko Møterom 420

Research Seminar

Together with the research groups LEA and LeMoWe, FREMO organizes a research seminar for PhD students. The seminar is aimed at supporting PhD students in the different stages of the thesis and research. Constructive feedback, research ideas, and the creation of support platforms are key elements.

Time and place: , Vettre

Internal writing seminar

This seminar is aimed at facilitating a current book project LEA is engaged in. Several plenary sessions, data analysis workshops, and shut-up-and-write sessions are scheduled.

Time and place: , Nemko Møterom 320

Research Seminar

Together with the research groups LEA and LeMoWe, FREMO organizes a research seminar for PhD students. The seminar is aimed at supporting PhD students in the different stages of the thesis and research. Constructive feedback, research ideas, and the creation of support platforms are key elements.